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2/11/03 Minutes

The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes

1.  Meeting was opened at 7:10 P.M. in the 3rd floor training room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Ellen Clark, Peter Gabak, Mike Deming, Jim Hutchinson, Sam Swan, Max Champion, staff members Mike Long and Alicia McKeen and guest Sigrid Bergland.

2. Approval of Minutes:  Minutes were unavailable and tabled until next meeting.  

3. Certificate of Appropriateness:      


4. Other matters.  
Mike Long reviews the summer intern program and introduces Sigrid Bergland

Sigrid reviews her methodology and presentation.  Suggests the following for further research:
·       African American community to tie in with Harriet Tubman research.  
·       Native American community prior to Hardenbergh’s settlement.
·       Ethnic populations.
·       Prison history.
·       Interviewing elder residents for historical facts.
·       Layering and studying maps of the City.
·       Quarries
·       Downtown area
·       Women’s Movement, Martha Wright, WEIU
·       20th Century in general in depth
·       Education programs for kids to become more involved

Mentioned further historic district nominations and designating thru theme or chronology.  Also designate individual and separate buildings vs. entire areas.  Themes may include ethnic background, famous people, specific populations.  Mentions that a reconnaissance survey looks at everything but does not go into depth of what is here today.

It is also mentioned at what age a building is eligible for historic significance, 911 changes need to be updated.

Possibility to have 1st year Cornell students study proposed historical district on E. Genesee St.

Mike Long stated that an RFP has been submitted for a reconnaissance and intensive level survey to be done as a Cornell class project as matching funds with CLG.  Also mentioned that Bell Hecht’s website contains maps that may be downloaded.  Access through County web-site.

Peter Gabak asked if there is any vehicle in place to save interior elements.  Sigrid suggested this would be an invasion of personal space and probably not a good idea.

Ellen Clark has committed to putting HRRB info into the CPC newsletter.  Will start with an intro re: the group and then submit the results of each meeting.

Mike Long suggests a network between all historical groups centered at the HSC.

Mike Deming wants Corporation Counsel to attend the next meeting to discuss a time limit on Cert’s. of Appropriateness.  Max will draw up a draft to be presented.

Other concerns were enforcement of repairs to the fence at 1st Pres. and removal of fence at 107 South St.  Codes will be contacted.

4. Adjournment: Next meeting March 11, 2003 at Memorial City Hall at 7:00 p.m. – third floor training room. Motion to adjourn made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Max Champion.  All members vote approval.  

Meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.

Recorded by: Alicia McKeen